Daily UI Challenge

When I began my journey into the 100 Days UI Design Challenge, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. As I was doing my research, I encountered numerous designers mocking the prompt, saying that doing the challenge was futile. On the other hand, there was the opposing side who praised it, and some even claimed that it helped them get jobs. I sifted through countless threads, behance portfolios, and dribble accounts, trying to decide if it was worth my time. In the end, partly due to my insatiable curiosity and desire to create, and partly because of getting inspired by the Ira Glass quote about improving by doing, I decided to do it.

Even though I was only 30 days in, I didn’t regret starting it. I didn't study graphic design in school, but I managed to create some works that people and I were very satisfied with.

  • Designer: Sylvia Wang
  • Date: April 2021 - July 2021